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Broken heart?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Broken heart?

everyone will have their hearts broken at some point in their life, everyone will be hurt usually by the one person you'd least expect it from (otherwise it would'nt hurt so bad), everyone will make mistakes and be sad because of time passed, but in my expirience, I've learned to take each moment for what it's worth because every minute you spend regretting the past, is another 60 seconds of your life wasted. Anything lost can be found again, except time. So, surround yourself with the people who really care even if that's not where you want to be because what you may take for granted now, trust you will miss in the long run. Live your life for the moment and plan in your spare time. Don't think too much and don't let one person change your perseption of people in general. Love is like a race. If you pull too hard to the left you'll run right into the other car, if you pull too hard to the right you'll go right off the road. You can't love too hard, too much,you'll crash right into the other person, smother them, push them away or hurt them and you can't love too little cause you'll loose them, desert them, fall right out of love. You have to stay staight and find a median, live your life for you because it don't matter if you win or loose, when you're about to reach that finish line who will be left standing at the end?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Well said...

Over one year and hundreds of views - someone had to reply eventually! Well said...and very true.

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November 15, 2009
Posts: 36

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`I think one of my ( many ) fears of getting into a relationship, is that I would not be able to survive if it ended.

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June 18, 2011
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`just recently got my heart broken when my wife of 7 years left me for a woman

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`i had my heart broken so many times, its hard to even surround myself socially. all my ex's made me lose my friends.

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December 4, 2011
Posts: 2

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`I feel like I find the Mr. Right and I try to hard to show that I care...I want my man to feel like a king so that he treats me like a queen...I try to hard and need to play hard to get but I hate that game.......L

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`That game sucks but man do I get that. You sound like your a wicked sweetheart which sucks because I see so many guys take the sweet hearts and treat them like crap. Also it sounds like your acting one way for a reaction and Ive tried the exact same approach but everyone is different they cant change who they are for you. A huge thing in any relationship is acceptance. You accept people for who they are despite there downfalls. For instance think about one of your friends, then think of one of there flaws, something you think is wrong that they do. They are still your friend, you just accept their flaws. Its the same in any relationship and you might not want to try and force yourself to perform at such a high level, The person who comes and sweeps you off your feet is gonna love you for you!! I wish you luck in your endeavors the affairs of the heart are by far one of the hardest struggles in life :)

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December 4, 2011
Posts: 2

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`Thank you for the validation...It is cool to know that there are guys who don't play the game and I hope to find one of them soon...Thank you again, L

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February 16, 2012
Posts: 1

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`Hi, just had my heart destroyed. just found out my fiancee of 11 years now wife of 2 days is having an affair with next door neighbour. had to find out 2 days after wedding. any advice would be helpfull.

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